Niel Armstrung

To da MooN.

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ABOUT niel armstrung

DA firsT 0nLy C0In T0o LeNd 0n Da M000n

C0nTrACt rEnOunCed

CiRcULaTing SuPPLy iS EaRtH t0 Da Moon iN MeTREs 384,398,905

Lp BuRnt

2024 RoADmAp

  • G0 LIvE On uNisWAp Nd DexSCRENer
  • PrOmO nd maRKetInG CamPaiGN
  • c0IN gECko AnD CmC LisTInG
  • Nft CoILecTIonS
  • M0rE mArKETinG
  • 1 MilLlion MaRkET cAp
  • CeX LiSTinGS
  • 10 mILlioNmArkEt CaP
  • M0RE NfT
  • M0rE mAKetiNg
  • 20 MiLlioN MaRKeT CAp
  • MaKE GaME
  • M0rE cEX lisTIng
  • LAnD 0N Da Mo00n AgAIn
  • mAkE NaZa GreAt AgAin
  • 100 MiLLiOn MaRket CaP


Download coinbase wallet or meta mask. Go to browser inside coinbase wallet or meta mask and go to uniswap. Once you’re in uniswap, click on connect wallet. Once your wallet is connected, attach the contract address for Niel to the select token option and then swap your eth for Neil!

Contract Address


This crypto currency is a MEME COIN and it was created for the crypto community to have fun

ChEck OuT mY gaME